Logo » Growing Seeds Montessori School


Ages 3 to 6 years

The primary classroom is the perfect place for children aged 3 to 6 to start their educational journey. It provides a unique and engaging learning experience that encourages exploration, collaboration, and self-directed learning. Our primary classroom is designed to empower them to take ownership of their education, which in turn promotes self-confidence, critical thinking, and emotional and intellectual growth.

Child-Centered Teaching

Our teachers are highly trained to carefully observe your child's interests, tendencies, and needs. This ensures that your child receives personalized attention, rather than being overlooked in a crowd of students. Our teachers are always present at your child's level, providing tailored lessons or guiding small groups.

Mix aged Classrooms

The curriculum used in our program is tailored to meet the individual needs of each child and community. This means that your child can work at their own pace while still being part of a classroom community that includes children of different ages. Peace education, grace and courtesy lessons, and math and language games are taught in small groups or large groups to teach children the value of community.  Younger children can learn by observing the behavior and activities of older children. Meanwhile, older children can develop self-confidence, leadership skills, and a sense of responsibility by setting an example for their younger peers.

Take Ownership

Your child will engage in a wide range of activities through individual and small group lessons. However, true learning occurs through independent exploration, repetition, and mastery.

Beautiful Scientifically Created Materials

With the Montessori materials, your child will embark on a journey of exploration, unlocking a concrete understanding of abstract concepts like mathematics and laying a foundation that will support their learning for years.

Group Activities

Throughout the day, children engage in a combination of self-directed work as well as group activities and play. At times, the teacher may gather the children for lessons on grace and courtesy, peace education, to sing songs or tell stories on various themes such as culture, science or history. Additionally, children are given plenty of time to play and explore outdoors with their friends.

The traditional approach of teaching children with a curriculum based on their age is being replaced with a new approach. In this new approach, the teacher is trained to recognize and honor the unique potential of each child. The teacher then connects the child with the most appropriate lesson based on their current level of development. This ensures that your child is challenged according to their ability, rather than a predetermined standard.

“Children have an absorbent mind. They absorb knowledge from the environment without fatigue.”

—Dr. Maria Montessori


1835 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 120
Reston, VA 20191 
(703) 867-7437

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